Posts by category
- Tournai
- Atlas de la Géographie ancienne et moderne, Delamarche
- The Hague (Graven=Haag)
- Unique set of 5 maps (from the same French atlas, 1613): World and four continents
- Nieuwe atlas, van de beste geographische kaarten, vertoonende alle de Gewesten der Wereld ...
- Ancient Netherlands or Belgii veteris typus
- Systema Solare et Planetarium ex Hypothesi Copernicana
- Holland, sea chart of her coast
- Moscou - Moscauw
- Michiel de Ruyter - Battle of Plymouth
- Southern Africa or Aethiopia Inferior
- Novus XVII Inferioris Germaniae Provinciarum Typus (...)
- Armillaria
- Michiel de Ruyter - Raid on Chatham
- Rome - Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran
- Atlas Historique, Généalogique, Chronologique,...
- Title page of Description de touts les Pays-Bas
- Brussels - Discalced Carmelites
- Middelburg - West-Indisch Huis (WIC headquarters)
- Mechelen (Jesuit college)
- Groot-Bijgaarden (Abbatia Maioris Bigardiae)
- Brussels - Forestum vulgo Vorst
- Antwerpen - Carmelus Antverpiensis
- Amsterdam: VOC courtyard headquarters
- Jaffenapatam
- Title page of Germania Inferior
- Nova Hispania et Nova Galicia - Mexico
- Strait of Magellan - Magellanica D
- Leicester
- Michiel de Ruyter - Battle of Kijkduin
- Michiel de Ruyter - Battle of Zarda (Syracuse)
- Hoegly (Hooghly-Chinsura)
- Muiden - Muiderslot
- Rome - San Lorenzo
- Sluis (siege of 1604)
- Scotland - Scotiae Tabula
- Schleswig
- Stockholm - Accurate Carte der Uplandischen Scheren...
- Algiers
- Canaan - Holy Land
- Systema Mundi Tychonicum
- Mechelen
- Southern Sweden
- Strait of Buton (Sulawesi-Celebes)
- Plön - Plöna
- Estonia with Tallin
- Gallia amplissima regni tabula
- Regni Bohemiae descriptio
- Germaniae Inferioris - XVII Provinces
- Mercator-Hondius-Janssonius Atlas, facsimile
- Zeeland, Ortelius
- Chios
- Haarlem
- s-Hertogenbosch
- Breda
- Harmonia Macrocosmica, facsimile with commentary
- Zeeland - Zelandicarum insularum
- Amsterdam: WIC headquarters, inner courtyard
- Amsterdam: VOC headquarters
- Middelburg, Zeeland VOC home base
- Gedenkwaerdige gesantschappen...Japan
- Paris (banlieue et environs)
- Cuba Insula et Iamaica
- Title page of Theatrum Imperii Magnae Britanniae
- Title page of Isolario
- China, Japan and Tartary
- Iaponia - Japan and Korea
- Zürich
- Köln or Cologne
- Wroclaw
- Mariana Islands - Saipan and Tinian
- Geografia dell' Africa by Sanuto, facsimile with commentary
- Gent - Ghent
- Cosmographei by Münster, facsimile with commentary
- Speculum Orbis Terrarum by de Jode, facsimile
- Castiglioni World Map, facsimile with commentary
- Cantino World Map, facsimile with commentary
- Constantinopolis - Constantinopel
- Eastern Canada and the Great Lakes
- Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Abraham Ortelius, facsimile
- Portugal
- Brugse Vrije
- Ulster East - Ultoniae Orientalis Pars
- Praefecturae de Paraiba, et Rio Grande
- Spieghel der Zeevaerdt by Waghenaer, facsimile
- Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici, Volume I
- Polus Antarcticus - Azimuth Projection
- Poli Arctici - Azimuth Projection
- Brussels - Carmelus Bruxellensis
- Antwerpen - Antwerpia noblissimi...
- Tab. Nova Norbegiae et Gottiae.
- Brasil Nuova Tavola
- Nijmegen - Nieumegen
- Brugge, Bruges, Brugae
- Southern Africa - Ptolemaic map
- Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Isle of Anglesy
- The Century Atlas of the World, 1897
- Middelburg, large view
- Dordrecht - Dordracum
- Paris, 1654
- Amsterdam - Herengracht
- Orinico, Trinidad and Tobago
- Town Atlas or Stedenatlas, complete & mint condition
- Gibraltar by Bodenehr
- Gibraltar, four views
- Japan [Untitled]
- Columbia, Panama and Venezuela
- Carta Marina Nova Tabula
- Hispaniola Insula
- Peniscola (Valencia)
- Merioneth and Montgomery counties
- Canterbury
- Bergen op Zoom
- Strait of Magellan - Magellanica C
- Moscou
- Paris
- Iucatana regio et fondura
- Amsterdam
- Hudson Bay and Arctic Canada
- Ostend
- Rotunda at Renelagh Park
- Ypres - Ieper
- California and New Mexico
- Seville with Giralda
- Valletta
- Hertfordshire
- Fujian, Fu Chien or Fokien
- Asia Nova Descriptio by Ortelius
- Flandria or Flanders
- Japan Atlas, Kosei Hyochu Nippon Gaishi. Fuzu
- Tosai Kairiku no Zu
- Nijmegen
- Padova (views)
- Zeeland Veredelt
- Mauritius and Banda islands
- Batavia
- Artois
- Zeeland and Vlaanderen
- Strait of Magellan - Magellanica A
- Caspian Sea
- Persia or Iran - Persici sive sophorum regni typus
- Eastern coast of England from Blakeney to Scarborough
- Toledo (Castile)
- Luxembourg, city
- Normandy - Normandia
- Coimbra
- Alaska and California
- Peru - Peruani Regni descriptio
- Rio de la Plata
- Milan - Milano
- Ancient Portus near Ostia or Rome's imperial harbor
- Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Geographica ac Hydrographica
- Portrait Abraham Ortelius
- China, 1817
- Novae Hispaniae, Chili, Peruviae, et Guatimalae
- Sicily and Sardinia
- Nijmegen double view
- Braga
- The Hague - Curia Hollandiae Interior
- Tonquin - Vietnam
- Gibraltar (battle 1607)
- Azores
- Iberian Peninsula or Spain and Portugal
- Novalya Zemlya - Nova Zembla
- Graecia
- Zantvliet
- Trento
- Complete series of China maps by Martini and Blaeu
- Naples (Campania)
- Hangzhou or Quinzay
- Florence - Florentinae
- Florence - Fiorenza oder Florenz
- Oxford and Windsor
- Vue de Peking
- Brussels
- Beijing
- Quebec and Montreal
- Genoa and Florence
- Oudenaarde - Aldenarda vulgo Audenaerde
- Marburg and Kassel (Hesse)
- Metz
- Blois (Loir et Cher)
- Saintes (Charente-Maritime)
- Tartary - Tartariae sive Magni Chami regni
- Asia volume X of the Atlas Maior
- Madagascar
- The Hague (Binnenhof) - Curia Hollandiae Interior
- Salzburg - Salisburgensis Iurusdictioni (with city)
- Louisiana, Florida, Carolinas & Virginia
- Mons
- Dresden and Leipzig (Saxony)
- Algarve - Andalusia
- English coast, Hull to Yarnmouth
- Norway, Trondheim
- Warsaw - Entry of the last Polish King
- Ursa Major - Great Bear or Big Dipper
- Schwäbisch Hall
- Typus Orbis Universalis 1550
- The Lesser Antilles
- Oberwesel and Boppard - Oberwesell & Boppart
- Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici, Volume II
- Catalogue of Maps of Hispanic America
- Pars Flandriae Teutonicae occidentalior
- Asia Nova Descriptio
- Denmark - Daniae Regni Typum 1630
- Hotel des Monnoies - Hôtel des Monnaies (Paris)
- Fyn (Funen)
- Guiana sive Amazonum Regio - Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Mouth of the River Amazon
- Beijing Imperial court - Salle Impériale des audiences
- New York (Manhattan - Brooklyn - Williamsburg - Jersey)
- Namur - Namurcum Comitatus
- Paraguay - Paraguay,o Prov. Rio de la Plata
- Soest and Warburg (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
- Peru
- Russia and Moscou (Blaeu after Gerritsz)
- Russiae vulgo Moscovia pars australis. . . (South Russia)
- Caiazzo (Campania)
- Viscaya and Guipuzcoa - Biscay and East Cantabria
- Mecklenburg - Meklenburg ducatus, auctore Ioanne Laurenberg
- Copenhagen - Fredericksberg Castle
- Alhama (Andalusia)
- South East Africa - Delineatio Orarum Maritimarum,...
- The Americas - Americae Sive Novi Orbis Nova Descriptio
- Frankenberg (Hesse) - Francenbergum, vel ut alij Francoburgum Hassiae Opp.
- Herefordshire
- British Isles (with progeny of kings) - Angliae et Hiberniae Accurata Descriptio by Ortelius/Vrients, 1608
- Brussels, 1575
- North America (USA, Canada, Greenland) - America Settentrionale
- Title page of the Tonneel der Steden van de Vereenighde Nederlanden
- Title page of Derde Stuck Eerste Deel der Aerdrycks-Beschryving, welck vervat 't Koninclyck Nederlant
- La Généalogie des illustres Comtes de Nassau ..
- Kii Province (Shogun era; now Wakayama Prefecture and part of the Mie Prefecture)
- Lancashire and the War of Roses
- Flandriae pars occidentalis
- Histoire générale des voyages
- Fiandra parte Occidentale
- Southeast Asia (Bay of Bengal) - Tabula Asiae XI
- Europa Herbezocht (catalogue with unique folder of 40 reproduction maps)
- Flanders and Brabant - Flandriae comitatus et Brabantiae ducatus
- Ratzeburg - Ratzenburck
- Rouen - Rhotomagus
- Vingboons's Atlas on Dutch East and West Indies (V.O.C. & W.I.C.), 1621-1650, facsimile
- Flanders (Middle-Ages) - Nova antiquae Flandriae geographica tabula...
- Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) - Spaine
- Tango Province (Shogun era; now northern part of Kyoto Prefecture)
- Settsu Province (Shogun era; now Osaka city)
- Iga Province (Shogun era; now in Mie Prefecture)
- Yamato Province (Shogun era; now Nara Prefecture)
- Travels and Discoveries by James Cook (2 large sheets)
- Lille - Insula vulgo Lille Belgice Riissel
- Saint Omer - Fanum S. Audomari vulgo S. Omer
- Flandria, Brabantia and Holanda Nova - Low Countries - XVII Provinces
- Unique set of 5 maps (from the same French atlas, 1598): World and four Continents from the first modern atlas
- Gibraltar
- North Pole
- Madrid - Royal Palace
- North Pole - Regiones Sub Polo Arctico
- Gelderland and Zutphen - Gelriae
- West Friesland and Groningen (North Netherlands) - Frisia Occidentalis
- Egypt
- Swiss Confederation: 13 Swiss cities
- Genealogy tree of the Royalty in Europe
- Genoa (Genova) - Genua
- Toledo, cathedral - Vüe perpective du portail de l'Eglise Cathedrale de Tolede
- Volga River (Wolga) - Nova & Accurata Wolgae Fluminus...
- South Scotland - Scotiae parts septentrionalis
- Uzen Province (Shogun era; now in Yamagato prefecture)
- Shinano Province (Shogun era; now in Nagano prefecture)
- World - Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita
- Geschichtsblätter: 1595 Spanish retaking Huy
- Geschichtsblätter: 1580 Malcontents taking Kortrijk
- Geschichtsblätter: 1570, Duke Alva proclaims the General Pardon
- Geschichtsblätter: 1578, Battle at Gembloux
- Geschichtsblätter: 1576, Battle at Vissenaken
- Breda (siege in 1624-1625)
- Geertruidenberg (siege in 1593)
- Perugia - Perusia Gratumusis in Tuscia Domicilium.
- Vlissingen (Flushing)
- Bethune, Aire-sur-Lys and Thérouanne - Bethune, Aire Belgice Arien and Teroana
- Italy, Austria and Dalmatia - Tabula Europae V
- Valenciennes - Valentiana
- Iberian Peninsula - Hispaniae Nova Descriptio...
- Dendermonde - Teneramonda vulgo Dendermonde
- Watten - Plan du Fort de Watten
- Lucca - Lucques ou Luca
- Strait of Gibraltar - Carte nouvelle de l'Isle de Cadix...
- Northumberland, Cumbria and Durham - Northumbria, Cumberlandia, et Dunelmensis Episcopatus
- Arras - Atrebatum, Gallis ARRAS Belgice ATRECHT dictu
- Tivoli with Ortelius and Hoefnagel
- Gent - Plan de la ville et citadelle de Gand
- Moluccas
- Palermo
- Rotterdam & Gouda - Roterodamum Hollandiae opp. / Goude
- Lille - Insula, Vulgo Lille, Belgice Riissel
- Namur - Namurcum, Elegantissima ad Mosae...
- Verona - Magnifica Illa Civitas Verona (with) Colonia Augusta Verona Nova Galieniana Verona, Celeberrima, Amplissimaque Cenomanorum Urbs, Ptolemaeo.
- Burgos and San Sebastian
- Douai - Dvacum vulgo Douay
- Cambrai - Cameracum vulgo Cambray
- Gent - Gandavum vulgo Gent
- Tenerife (Teide) - The Pike Mountaine Upon The Island Tenerieto / De Piek-Bergh op het Eilant Tenerifto
- The Hague (Buitenhof) - Curia Hollandiae Exterior
- Liège - Leodium, Lütich
- London - The Environs of London
- London to St Davids (second part, starting at Abingdon)
- London to Rye
- Strait of Gibraltar
- Algarve - Beschrijvinghe der Zee Custen vant Landt va Argarbe
- Tuscany - Tuscia
- Florence - Die Stadt Florenz
- Palace La Fontaine of Mansveld
- Brussels (Augustinian Convent) - Coenabium Bruxellenis Ord. Eremit. S Augustini
- Brabant
- Middle-Sex described with the most famous cities of London and Westminster
- Chart of the southwestern coast of Africa
- Chart of Cape of Good Hope
- Tempe
- Daphne (Syria)
- Ancient Greece - Graecia Sophiani
- London
- Southern Norway - Dioecesis Stavangriensis & partes aliquot vicinae, opera L. Scavenii, S.S
- [Untitled] Kyoto by unknown Japanese mapmaker
- Antwerpen - Antverpia
- London, de Fer
- Saint Petersburg - Platte Grond van de Stadt Petersburg
- Moscou
- South America - Tierra Nova
- Provence - Provinciae Regionis Galliae
- Wroclaw - Wratislava
- Livonia
- Ukraine & Crimea - Taurica Chersones VS. nostra Aetate Przecopsca et Gazara Dicitur
- Naples - Haec est Nobilis, & Florens Illa Neapolis
- Vicenza
- South Italy - Puglia Piana, Terra Di Barri, Tera Di Otranto, Calabria et Basilica
- Bavaria - Palatinatus Bavariae
- Naples - Elegantissimus ad Mare Tyrrhenum ex Monte Pausilipo Neapolis Montisque Vesuvius Prospectus,
- [Untitled] Heaven and Earth
- Medemblik - Medemleck
- Skopje - Von Macedonia
- Upper Danube and Upper Rhine - Suevia et Bavaria XI Nova Tabula
- Holy Land (part of) - Tribus Zablon, Ischar et diminia Manasse
- Tabula Itineraria ...Peutingerorum Bibliotheca
- Middelburg, second VOC home base
- Bosphorus - Anaplus Bosphori Tracii
- Delft - Delfi Batavorum vernacule Delft
- Kampen - Campi vulgo Campen
- Amsterdam (expansion)
- Ancient Mexico
- New England - Nouvelle Hollande ... Nouvelle Angleterre
- Cape of Good Hope - Das Vorgebirg Der Guten Hofnung
- [Untitled] Edo/Tokyo
- Edo (Tokyo) - Platte Grond van Jedo
- Amsterdam: WIC warehouse
- Lowesoft (naval battle in 1665)
- Schoonhoven
- Heverlee (abbey) - Monasterium Heverlense fundatum a Guilielmo Duce de Croy et de Aerscot et. Anno 1521
- Schouwen-Duiveland
- Cadiz - Gades ab occiduis insulae partibas
- Grimbergen (abbey) - Abbatia Grimbergensis celebris et Antiqua Ordinis Praemonstratensis
- Southeast coast of England - Angliae Pars or Die Canael tusschen Englandt en Frankrijck
- Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Fontainebleau - Portrait des Chasteaux Royaux de Sainct Germain en Laye and Portrait de la Maison Royale de Fontaine Belleau
- Lille - Lille Insula Ryssele
- Lyon - Lugdunum
- Regensburg - Ratisbona
- Aachen - Aquisgranum
- Brussels (Jesuit college)
- Leuven - Lovanium, vulgo Loven
- Bay of Bengal - Sinus Gangeticus vulgo Golfo de Bengala
- Goa - Aussicht von Goa
- Africa - Africa Ex magna orbis terrae descriptione
- India Orientalis - India, Southeast Asia, The Philippines 2
- A view of the Town and Castle of Macao
- A plan of the city and harbour of Macao
- Guangzhou - Kanton
- China Hondius/Janssonius
- China - China olim Sinarum regionis, nova descriptio
- Kollam - Coylan
- Kodungallor (Cranganore)
- Planisphaerium Coeleste
- Hemisphaerium Coeli Australe
- Quadrant
- Liège - Leodium
- Constellations of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- Tartary - A Newe Mape of Tartary
- Greece - Graecia
- Philippines
- Zeus abducting Europa: Frontispiece for Europa in Atlas Maior
- Paraguay - Paraquaria vulgo Paraguay
- Brussels, 1593
- All 20 VOC Gouvernor-Generals as described by Valentyn
- La Terra de Hochelaga nella nova a Francia or Montreal
- Hainaut - Coats of Arms
- World - Werelt Caert
- Delfshaven
- Dordrecht
- Comitatus Flandriæ Nova Tabula
- Leuven - Lovanium, Brabanticarum urbium caput...
- Gent - Gandavum
- Antwerpen (town hall) - Domus Senatoria Urbis Antuerpiae
- Middle East, Holy Land with Inset World
- Groningen
- Rotterdam - Roterodamum
- Zürich - Tigurum
- Salzburg - Salisburgensis Iurusdictionis with city
- Prester John - Presbiteri Iohannis...
- Paulus' Travels - Peregrinationis Divi Pauli Typus Chorographicus
- Stockholm
- Madrid
- Pompeii
- Maastricht - Traiectum ad Mosam Vulgo Maestricht
- Barcelona
- Kochi - Kochin
- Pensacola, Florida
- North Prospect of St. Peter's Westminster
- Triumphal entry of British troops in New York, 1776
- Trianon (Versailles) - Veue du Chateau de Trianon du coté du Parterre du Parque de Versaille
- Venice - Vue de la Place de St. Marc de Venise fu cote du Port
- Vue de l'Hotel de Lord Maire - Lord Mayor's Mansion House in London
- Saint Peter's Basilica (Vatican)
- Lambeth Palace - Der Pallast oder Residenz des Erzbischoffs von Canterbury ganandt Lambeth, an der Themse zu London. . .
- Saint Petersburg - Vüe d'Optique Representant La Grande Place de Petersbourg
- Sommerset Palace and Church of Saint Mary (Strand, London) - Vue de la Maison royale de Sommerset avec l'Eglise de S. Marie dans le Strand a Londres
- Boston - Vue de la Rue grande vers l'Eglise du Sud des Presbiteriennes a Boston
- Royal Palace of Hampton Court - Vue du Palais Royal de Hampton Court a 15 Miles de Londres
- Westminster Palace - Vüe du Palais Episcopal de Westminster
- Westminster Bridge
- Palmyra - Prospectus generalis Palmirce
- Westminster Abbey - Prospectus Abbatu Westminster
- Descriptive Table of the XVII Provinces - Tafel Vande XVII Nederlandze Provincien Vertonende der zelver verdeling grootte van Landen en Steden, Mids-gaders haar Regering zo Politicq al kerk-lyk . . .
- Maastricht (siege in 1632)
- Nieuwpoort (battle in 1600)
- Bergen op Zoom (siege in 1622)
- Mozambique - Insulae et arcis Mocambique
- Ascension
- Chart of the Congo River and the coast of Angola
- Paraiba (Brazil)
- Hoorn
- Fossa Eugeniana
- Chart of the Baltic Sea - Pas-Caart van de Oost Zee...
- Northwest South America (Columbia, Panama) - Terra Firma et Novum Regnum Granatense et Popayan
- Bay of All Saints - Bahia de Todos los Sanctos
- Lima
- Ancient Germany - Germaniae Veteris Typus
- Chart of New England - Pas-kaart vande Zee Kusten inde Boght van Niew Engelnd tusschen de Staaten Hoek en C. de Sable
- Chart of Gulf of Mexico
- Constantinople (Istanbul)
- Four unique maps: the Portuguese going for spices
- The Hague - Hagae Comitis
- Buddhist temple in Sakai (Osaka)
- Strasbourg - Argentoratum or Straszburg
- Augsburg (Free State Bavaria)
- Japan - Nova et Accurata Iaponiae...
- Constantinople - de expurgnatione Constatinopolis
- The Americas - Americae nova tabulae
- Northeastern Coast of America - Tierra Nueva
- Rome - Basilica S. Maria Magiore
- Holland - Hollandiae Antiquorum Catthorum Sedis Nova Descriptio
- Holland – Hollandia Comitatus
- Tournai – Tornacum Gallis Toutnay, Belgis Doornick
- Namur – Namurcum
- Lier: SOLD
- Flandriae Teutonicae pars Orientalior
- Chart of the coast of Western Africa
- Japan (and Korea) – Iaponia
- Malakka (Malaysia) – De Stad Malacka
- Northeast Germany - Tabula Electoratus Brandenburgici, Meckelenburgi et Maximae Partis Pomeraniae
- Thames estuary
- Nassau (Germany) - Nassovia Comitatus
- Alexandria
- Black Sea in the Antiquity - Pontus Euxinus...
- Weimar (Thüringen)
- Strait of Messina
- Middelburg - Middelburgum
- Hamburg - Hamburgum
- Den Briel (Brielle)
- Shri Lanka (Ceylon) - Ins. Ceilan quae incolis Tenarisin dicitur
- Portait of Giovanni Antonio Magini
- Coimbra - Illustris Civitati Conimbriae In Lusitania ad flumen Illundam effigies
- Luxembourg - Lutzenburgum
- Boston with Charleston and Roxbury
- Elmina - Castel del Mina
- Northern Japan - Carte des decouvertes au Nord du Japon
- Brandenburg, Pommern, Mecklenburg
- Mechelen - Nitidissimae Civitatis Mechlineensis...
- Fondi (Lazio)
- Padua (Padova) - Patavium noblissima
- Ancient British Isles - Britannicarum Insularum Typus
- Aeneas' Travels - Aeneae Troiani Navigatio
- Ischia - Ischia, quae olim Aenaria
- Como Lake, Rome and Friuli
- Islas de Juan Fernandes (Robinson Crusoe’s Island)
- Crete and Corfu - Candia [and] La Cita de Corphu
- Journeys of Apostle Paul - De Beschryving van de Reysen Pauli, en van de Andere Apostelen
- Ancient Italy - Italiae Veteris Specimen
- Chart of the British Isles
- Lorraine - Lotharingia Ducatus
- Burgundy - Burgundia Ducatus
- Holy Land - Situs Terrae Promissionis SS Bibliorum Intelligentiam Exacte Aperiens
- Amsterdam - Amstelredamum
- Ancient France or Gaul - Galliae Veteris
- Russia with Moscou (Blaeu after Gerritsz)
- Vienna - Vienna Austriae
- Benelux (Low Countries - XVII Provinces) - A New Mape od Ye XVII Provinces of Low Germanie
- Dejima - Magazin de la compagnie dans l'isle de Disma
- [Untitled] Walcheren in Zeeland
- Southern Africa - Tabula Nova Partis Africae
- Europe - Europa
- El Escorial
- Cordoba - Corduba
- Kent - Kent with her Cities and Earles Described and Observed
- Central and Southern Spain - Partie Meridionale Des Etats de Castille
- Paris - Lutetia
- Balearic Islands - Insulae Balearides et Pytiusae
- Caprarola (Farnese castle) - Caprarola arx et horti Farnesiani
- Title page Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius
- Mughal or Mogul empire - Magni Mogolis Imperium
- Longvek or Lavek (ancient capital of Cambodia) - Eauweck
- Constantinople (Istanbul) - Constantinopolis
- Onrust - Ein Prospect der Insul Onrust oder Unruhe 2. Meilen von Batavia gelegen
- Kyoto - Kioto
- Portugal - Portugalliae que olim Lusitania...
- Zeeland
- Europe, carte-à-figures
- Frankfurt
- Kiel - Chilonium
- Damascus - Urbs Nobilissima ad Libanum Montem, Totius Syriae Metropolis
- Andalusia - Andalicia, Hispalensis Conventus delineation
- Franconia (Franken) - Nova Franconiae Descriptio
- Goa - Ailhae Cidade de Goa Metropolotana de Indiae partes orientais...
- Ancient Portus (near Ostia), Rome's imperial harbor
- Ancient Lazio (with Rome and Portus) - Latium
- Alexander’s expeditions
- Part of South Australia with Adelaide
- Basel - Basilia
- Marseille
- Namur (duchy) - Comitatus Namurici
- Namur - Namurcum
- Hainaut – Nobilis Hannoniae Com Descriptio
- Limbourg (Limburg) – Limburgenses Ducatus...
- Antwerpen (Hanseatic House) - Het Oosterhuis
- Mechelen (Malines) - Machlinia
- Lviv
- Kalwarya Zebrzydowska with Mons Calvariae (Krakow)
- San Adrian (Navarre) - La Sierra de Sant Adrian en Biscaia
- Bristol - Brightstowe, Vulgo; Quondam Venta, Florentissimum
- Asia Secunda pars Terrae in Forma Pegasi
- Edinburgh
- Cuzco (Inca capital)
- Chart of the Gulf of Finland
- Luxembourg, Duchy
- The Eastern Hemisphere - Hemisphaerium Orbis Antiqui
- Map of the Moon - Tabula Selenographica in qua Lunarium
- Portrait Abraham Ortelius, by Galle
- Achaia, Attica and Gulf of Corinth
- Algiers - Algerii Saracenaorum Urbis Fortissimae…
- Lucca
- Veere - Vere
- China, Tartary and Japan
- Avignon
- Antequera (Andalusia)
- Toledo (Castile) - Toletum
- Lisbon
- Chester - Cestria vulgo Chester, Angliae Civitas
- [Untitled] Japan
- Scotland - Nova Scotia
- Jan Mayen - Insulae Johannis Mayen Cum universe situ Sinuum et Promontariorum
- Michiel de Ruyter, a super collection by Stoopendaal
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