Recent Additions
Dejima – Magazin de la compagnie dans l’isle de Disma
by Pieter van der AaPrice: €0,00 / $0,00 / £0,00VOC’s exclusive trading post at Nagasaki
[Untitled] Walcheren in Zeeland
by Nicolaes VisscherPrice: €1 600,00 / $1 776,00 / £1 424,00Visit Walcheren!
Southern Africa – Tabula Nova Partis Africae
by Lorenz Fries (after Martin Waldseemüller)Price: €1 200,00 / $1 332,00 / £1 068,00Discover the age of discoveries
Europe – Europa
by Willem and Joan BlaeuPrice: €4 500,00 / $4 995,00 / £4 005,00Sheer beauty
El Escorial
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €600,00 / $666,00 / £534,00At the center of autocratic power
Cordoba – Corduba
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €1 200,00 / $1 332,00 / £1 068,00Idyllic view full of history
Kent – Kent with her Cities and Earles Described and Observed
by John SpeedPrice: €1 200,00 / $1 332,00 / £1 068,00 -
Central and Southern Spain – Partie Meridionale Des Etats de Castille
by Gilles Robert de VaugondyPrice: €300,00 / $333,00 / £267,00 -
Paris – Lutetia
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €2 800,00 / $3 108,00 / £2 492,00Paris s’éveille
Balearic Islands – Insulae Balearides et Pytiusae
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €850,00 / $943,50 / £756,50 -
Caprarola (Farnese castle) – Caprarola arx et horti Farnesiani
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €1 500,00 / $1 665,00 / £1 335,00Renaissance castle worth a visit
Title page Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius
by Abraham OrteliusPrice: €1 100,00 / $1 221,00 / £979,00Very rare Spanish edition