Recent Additions
Toledo, cathedral – Vüe perpective du portail de l’Eglise Cathedrale de Tolede
by François DaumontPrice: €450,00 / $499,50 / £400,50 -
Volga River (Wolga) – Nova & Accurata Wolgae Fluminus…
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €600,00 / $666,00 / £534,00 -
South Scotland – Scotiae parts septentrionalis
by Jodocus Hondius Jr., Gerard MercatorPrice: €500,00 / $555,00 / £445,00Per Gerardum Mercatorem
Cum privilegio
Uzen Province (Shogun era; now in Yamagato prefecture)
by Motonobu Aoo and Toshiro EirakayuPrice: €250,00 / $277,50 / £222,50Rare map of Uzen
Shinano Province (Shogun era; now in Nagano prefecture)
by Motonobu Aoo and Toshiro EirakayuPrice: €250,00 / $277,50 / £222,50Rare map of Shinano
World – Orbis Terrarum Tabula Recens Emendata et in Lucem Edita
by Nicolaes VisscherPrice: €2 500,00 / $2 775,00 / £2 225,00First state world map, with California depicted as peninsula
Geschichtsblätter: 1595 Spanish retaking Huy
by Frans HogenbergPrice: €125,00 / $138,75 / £111,25 -
Geschichtsblätter: 1580 Malcontents taking Kortrijk
by Frans HogenbergPrice: €125,00 / $138,75 / £111,25 -
Geschichtsblätter: 1570, Duke Alva proclaims the General Pardon
by Frans HogenbergPrice: €125,00 / $138,75 / £111,25 -
Geschichtsblätter: 1578, Battle at Gembloux
by Frans HogenbergPrice: €125,00 / $138,75 / £111,25 -
Geschichtsblätter: 1576, Battle at Vissenaken
by Frans HogenbergThis item is sold
Breda (siege in 1624-1625)
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €500,00 / $555,00 / £445,00