Caspian Sea
by Johann Baptist HomannPrice: €850,00 / $943,50 / £756,50 -
Central and Southern Spain – Partie Meridionale Des Etats de Castille
by Gilles Robert de VaugondyPrice: €300,00 / $333,00 / £267,00 -
Chart of the Baltic Sea – Pas-Caart van de Oost Zee…
by Hendrick DonckerPrice: €1 850,00 / $2 053,50 / £1 646,50Beautiful chart
Chart of the British Isles
by Johannes van LoonPrice: €1 850,00 / $2 053,50 / £1 646,50Rare and exceptional map
Chart of the Gulf of Finland
by Lucas Janszoon WaghenaerThis item is sold
Chester – Cestria vulgo Chester, Angliae Civitas
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €900,00 / $999,00 / £801,00 -
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergThis item is sold
Attractive bird’s-eye view of a lovely town
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €650,00 / $721,50 / £578,50A picturesque Portuguese university city
Coimbra – Illustris Civitati Conimbriae In Lusitania ad flumen Illundam effigies
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €750,00 / $832,50 / £667,50A picturesque Portuguese university city
Comitatus Flandriæ Nova Tabula
by Henricus HondiusPrice: €450,00 / $499,50 / £400,50 -
Como Lake, Rome and Friuli
by Abraham OrteliusPrice: €700,00 / $777,00 / £623,00 -
Constantinople – de expurgnatione Constatinopolis
by Hartmann SchedelPrice: €750,00 / $832,50 / £667,50Only forty years before