Brussels – Forestum vulgo Vorst
by Antoon SanderusPrice: €380,00 / $421,80 / £338,20 -
Brussels (Augustinian Convent) – Coenabium Bruxellenis Ord. Eremit. S Augustini
by Antoon Sanderus, Renier BlockhuyzenPrice: €450,00 / $499,50 / £400,50 -
Brussels (Jesuit college)
by Antoon SanderusPrice: €450,00 / $499,50 / £400,50 -
Brussels, 1575
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergThis item is sold
An invitation to actively discover the city’s jewels
Brussels, 1593
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €1 600,00 / $1 776,00 / £1 424,00An invitation to actively discover the city’s jewels
Burgos and San Sebastian
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €600,00 / $666,00 / £534,00 -
Burgundy – Burgundia Ducatus
by Jodocus Hondius Jr., Gerard MercatorPrice: €350,00 / $388,50 / £311,50 -
Cadiz – Gades ab occiduis insulae partibas
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergThis item is sold
Caiazzo (Campania)
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €480,00 / $532,80 / £427,20With nice coloured initial
Cambrai – Cameracum vulgo Cambray
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €370,00 / $410,70 / £329,30 -
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €850,00 / $943,50 / £756,50 -
Caprarola (Farnese castle) – Caprarola arx et horti Farnesiani
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €1 500,00 / $1 665,00 / £1 335,00Renaissance castle worth a visit