by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergThis item is sold
Tournai – Tornacum Gallis Toutnay, Belgis Doornick
by Joan BlaeuThis item is sold
Town Atlas or Stedenatlas, complete & mint condition
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €60 000,00 / $66 600,00 / £53 400,00A unique document in excellent condition
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €700,00 / $777,00 / £623,00Birthplace of Martino Martini
Trianon (Versailles) – Veue du Chateau de Trianon du coté du Parterre du Parque de Versaille
by BassetPrice: €250,00 / $277,50 / £222,50 -
Tuscany – Tuscia
by Gerard Mercator, Jodocus HondiusPrice: €650,00 / $721,50 / £578,50Ohne Wörte
Ukraine & Crimea – Taurica Chersones VS. nostra Aetate Przecopsca et Gazara Dicitur
by Gerard MercatorPrice: €500,00 / $555,00 / £445,00 -
Ulster East – Ultoniae Orientalis Pars
by Jodocus Hondius, Jodocus Hondius Jr., Gerard Mercator, Henricus HondiusPrice: €360,00 / $399,60 / £320,40 -
Unique set of 5 maps (from the same French atlas, 1598): World and four Continents from the first modern atlas
by Abraham OrteliusPrice: €17 000,00 / $18 870,00 / £15 130,00 -
Upper Danube and Upper Rhine – Suevia et Bavaria XI Nova Tabula
by Sebastian MünsterThis item is sold
Valenciennes – Valentiana
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €380,00 / $421,80 / £338,20 -
by Johannes JanssoniusPrice: €4 000,00 / $4 440,00 / £3 560,00Superb