Saint Petersburg – Platte Grond van de Stadt Petersburg
by Isaak TirionThis item is sold
Saint Petersburg – Vüe d’Optique Representant La Grande Place de Petersbourg
by François DaumontPrice: €700,00 / $777,00 / £623,00Very rare optica print
Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Fontainebleau – Portrait des Chasteaux Royaux de Sainct Germain en Laye and Portrait de la Maison Royale de Fontaine Belleau
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €850,00 / $943,50 / £756,50 -
Saintes (Charente-Maritime)
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €540,00 / $599,40 / £480,60 -
Salzburg – Salisburgensis Iurusdictioni (with city)
by Abraham OrteliusPrice: €700,00 / $777,00 / £623,00 -
Salzburg – Salisburgensis Iurusdictionis with city
by Abraham OrteliusPrice: €700,00 / $777,00 / £623,00 -
San Adrian (Navarre) – La Sierra de Sant Adrian en Biscaia
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €700,00 / $777,00 / £623,00 -
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €620,00 / $688,20 / £551,80First edition of interesting town
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €450,00 / $499,50 / £400,50 -
by Isaak TirionPrice: €175,00 / $194,25 / £155,75 -
Schwäbisch Hall
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €400,00 / $444,00 / £356,00 -
Scotland – Nova Scotia
by Willem and Joan BlaeuPrice: €1 000,00 / $1 110,00 / £890,00A nice map of Scotland