by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €700,00 / $777,00 / £623,00 -
Lucca – Lucques ou Luca
by Pierre MortierPrice: €1 350,00 / $1 498,50 / £1 201,50 -
Luxembourg – Lutzenburgum
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €1 100,00 / $1 221,00 / £979,00ON HOLD -
Luxembourg, city
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €750,00 / $832,50 / £667,50 -
Luxembourg, Duchy
by Abraham OrteliusPrice: €750,00 / $832,50 / £667,50 -
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €3 500,00 / $3 885,00 / £3 115,00Very rare map
Lyon – Lugdunum
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergThis item is sold
At the confluence of Rosne and Saone
Maastricht – Traiectum ad Mosam Vulgo Maestricht
by Frederik de WitPrice: €1 600,00 / $1 776,00 / £1 424,00ON HOLD -
Maastricht (siege in 1632)
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €800,00 / $888,00 / £712,00 -
by SDUKPrice: €250,00 / $277,50 / £222,50Impressive large map of Madrid with some buildings at the bottom
Madrid – Royal Palace
by N.N.Price: €450,00 / $499,50 / £400,50 -
Marburg and Kassel (Hesse)
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €600,00 / $666,00 / £534,00