British Isles
Scotland – Scotiae Tabula
by Abraham OrteliusPrice: €800,00 / $888,00 / £712,00Superb standard setting map of Scotland by Ortelius
Sommerset Palace and Church of Saint Mary (Strand, London) – Vue de la Maison royale de Sommerset avec l’Eglise de S. Marie dans le Strand a Londres
by N.J.B. de PoillyPrice: €550,00 / $610,50 / £489,50 -
South Scotland – Scotiae parts septentrionalis
by Jodocus Hondius Jr., Gerard MercatorPrice: €500,00 / $555,00 / £445,00Per Gerardum Mercatorem
Cum privilegio
Southeast coast of England – Angliae Pars or Die Canael tusschen Englandt en Frankrijck
by Lucas Janszoon WaghenaerThis item is sold
Rural England, full of history
Strait of Gibraltar
by Johannes van KeulenPrice: €1 350,00 / $1 498,50 / £1 201,50 -
Strait of Gibraltar – Carte nouvelle de l’Isle de Cadix…
by Homann HeirsPrice: €400,00 / $444,00 / £356,00 -
Thames estuary
by Johannes van KeulenPrice: €900,00 / $999,00 / £801,00Inset map: Paskaertje van de Rivier van Londen van Gravesendt, en’t N. Blockhous tot Londen
Title page of Theatrum Imperii Magnae Britanniae
by John SpeedPrice: €475,00 / $527,25 / £422,75 -
Ulster East – Ultoniae Orientalis Pars
by Jodocus Hondius, Jodocus Hondius Jr., Gerard Mercator, Henricus HondiusPrice: €360,00 / $399,60 / £320,40 -
Vue de l’Hotel de Lord Maire – Lord Mayor’s Mansion House in London
by François DaumontPrice: €400,00 / $444,00 / £356,00 -
Westminster Abbey – Prospectus Abbatu Westminster
by François DaumontPrice: €500,00 / $555,00 / £445,00 -
Westminster Bridge
by N.N.Price: €500,00 / $555,00 / £445,00