Namur (duchy) – Comitatus Namurici
Nicolaes Visscher
Date of first edition: ca. 1680
Date of this edition: ca. 1680
Dimensions (not including margins): 46,5 x 56,5 cm
Condition: very good. Sharp copper engraving. Centre fold as published. Very wide margins.
Condition rating: A
Verso: very interesting (table in Dutch and French) “Naam-wyser” or “Table amlphabetique”, with names of all cities, villages, cloisters, abbays, castels, etc…
Price (without VAT, possibly to be added): €275,00 (FYI +/- $305,25 / £244,75)
Unless otherwise specifically stated on this map page, we charge the following expedition costs in euro (unfortunatelly, gone up with Covid, but still too low in reality!):
– Benelux: 40 euro
– Rest of Europe: 60 euro
– Rest of the World: 100 euro
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