Buddhist temple in Sakai (Osaka)
Arnold Montanus
Date of first edition: 1669
Date of this edition: 1669-1680
Dimensions (not including margins): 26 x 35 cm
Condition: Good. Centre fold with age-toned slight browning.
Condition rating: A
Verso: blank
From: Gedenkwaerdige gesantschappen der Oost-Indische Maatschappy in ‘t Vereenigde Nederland, aan de Kaisaren van Japan, published by Jacob van Meurs
Price (without VAT, possibly to be added): €150,00 (FYI +/- $166,50 / £133,50)
Unless otherwise specifically stated on this map page, we charge the following expedition costs in euro (unfortunatelly, gone up with Covid, but still too low in reality!):
– Benelux: 40 euro
– Rest of Europe: 60 euro
– Rest of the World: 100 euro
In stock
Full original title: De groote temple buyten Saccay. Grand temple proche de Saccai
For more information on the Gesantschappen by Montanus check our number 58010.
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