Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg
Naples (Campania)
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €850,00 / $943,50 / £756,50With a key to 71 locations
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €800,00 / $888,00 / £712,00 -
Oberwesel and Boppard – Oberwesell & Boppart
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €400,00 / $444,00 / £356,00 -
Oxford and Windsor
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €900,00 / $999,00 / £801,00 -
Padua (Padova) – Patavium noblissima
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €1 200,00 / $1 332,00 / £1 068,00City of education and science
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €700,00 / $777,00 / £623,00 -
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €2 700,00 / $2 997,00 / £2 403,00Paris s’éveille
Paris – Lutetia
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €2 800,00 / $3 108,00 / £2 492,00Paris s’éveille
Perugia – Perusia Gratumusis in Tuscia Domicilium.
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €600,00 / $666,00 / £534,00 -
Plön – Plöna
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €630,00 / $699,30 / £560,70Attractive bird’s-eye view of a lovely town
Ratzeburg – Ratzenburck
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €650,00 / $721,50 / £578,50 -
Regensburg – Ratisbona
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergPrice: €1 175,00 / $1 304,25 / £1 045,75Beautiful bird’s-eye view